Sunday, October 21, 2007

October 21, 2007 Edition

Welcome to the October 21, 2007 edition of Corporate Vigilance.

Tupelo Kenyon presents Meaningful Spiritual Relationships – Namaste Matters posted at Tupelo Kenyon, saying, "Celebrate life with this insight on how to take your personal relationships to a whole new level. To me, a spiritual relationship exists between any two people who recognize and acknowledge that deep inside, we are the same. Behind the faces, beyond the reach of social conditioning, deeper than individual egos, we are identical. We are presence, consciousness, pure knowingness - the awareness of “I am.” We are life itself. (Enjoy soothing instrumental music as you read plus songs with lyrics related to each article – all free.)"

Steve Bainbridge presents Shareholder Activist Monks Banned from Serving as a Lead Plaintiff posted at Professor Bainbridge's Business Associations Blog, saying, "Analysis of a recent case in which a federal court refused to allow famed shareholder activist Robert Monks to serve as lead plaintiff in a securities fraud suit against Stone & Webster, Inc."

Mike Harmon presents How To Find Help For New Business? posted at Basic Accounting, saying, "Everyday a new business, partnership or company is formed to carry out trading transaction in view to profit from the business activities. By the time a person registers the business, partnership or company, documentation is required for every single step."

Sue Massey presents How to Write a Business Proposal posted at Business Management Life, saying, "Writing a business proposal can seem like a daunting task. Where do I start? What do I need to say? How do I know if I’ve written a proposal that my customer will understand?"

Matt Hanson presents Matt’s Creative Advertising Blog » Blog Archive » 3 Free Advertising Options For Your Business posted at Matt's Creative Advertising Blog, saying, "Whether you have a website for a small business, or a large corporation, you probably already know the benefits of advertising your business. However, have you looked into different ways to get free advertising?"

Eric Hudin presents Wills Vs Living Trusts posted at My Estate Planning Career Blog, saying, "Ever wonder what the difference is between a will and Trust? In this article I will tell you the difference. Thanks for hosting."

Tom Stanley presents How to find the Top Franchise Opportunities posted at Tom's Franchise Information Blog, saying, "In this article I'll tell you how to find the best franchise opportunities. Which is best? Food Franchises, Business Franchises, Automobile Franchises, Daycare Franchises, Fast Food Franchises, Retail Franchises, Hotel Franchises, Travel Franchises, Home-Based Business Franchises, and even Internet-based Franchises."

Sidhusaaheb presents Of Human Bondage posted at I, Me, Myself.

Larry Russell presents Avoiding financial advisor and investment counselor frauds and scams - Overview posted at THE SKILLED INVESTOR Blog, saying, "The best way to avoid being defrauded or scammed by a financial or investment advisor is to investigate carefully several different advisers before hiring one of them. If you carefully choose a financial adviser or investment counselor, you have a far greater chance of finding one who is objective, competent, and ethical. This could help you to avoid significant problems in the future."

Randy Nichols presents The Job Burnout Cure posted at Career Advice by Randy, saying, "The daily grind of working for someone else and being on a limited income takes it’s toll, What in the world is the cure?"

Jason Rakowski presents Free Help Desk Software Solution Is An Attractive Option? posted at Learn Good Customer Service, saying, "For small businesses, a free help desk software solution is an attractive option to boost up their customer support. However, on getting a helpdesk system for free, users often overlook the cost in terms of time and maintenance. The strategy could backfire if after investing your time in installing, integrating and building the database, you find that the system is full of bugs or does not run properly on your platform. If your site desperately needs a helpdesk system and you lack the time to check out the free tools, then it would be better to choose a reputed low-cost brand rather than an unknown name."

Chris Russell presents The Power of Personal Space posted at Productivity Planner, saying, "Have you ever thought about how powerful personal space is as a determinant of productivity? Everybody works differently, and where possible good managers should take into account individual preferences and needs when allocating workspace."

Stacey Derbinshire presents What Will A Business Plan Do For You? posted at Starting a Small Home Business, saying, "If you’re just starting out in business, a written business plan can help you organize all the pieces that will have to come together to make your business a success. A business hoping to expand its operations in some way can achieve the same benefits. A well-established business trying to grow out of a business-as-usual rut can use a plan as a modeling tool to examine various options before committing to one."

Jason Whitmen presents Best Press Release Writing - 3 Beginner Tips to Press Release Writing posted at Public Relations Insider, saying, "Press releases are news announcements, whether through online publications or through traditional media. You can use it as a promotions and advertising tool. To be effective however, you should write it in news format..."

Robert Michel presents Business Networking is Like an Orange Tree posted at Social Networking Skills, saying, "Print advertising, phone solicitation, and direct mail if done correctly lead to immediate results. Personal networking takes longer, and therefore requires a greater level of patience and maturity. However, the quality of business received from networking is by far superior because nothing beats a personal referral."

David Kam presents The Advantages and Disadvantages of Parody Websites | posted at

Joy Miller presents Ivy League universities now offer online degrees and certificates posted at Online College Blog, saying, "Ivy League dreams? Make them a reality. Although you may not be able to physically commute to an Ivy League campus, that shouldn’t keep you from “attending” classes at an Ivy League university."

Leon Gettler presents More options, more losses posted at Sox First, saying, "Beware of CEOs on options. Loading up CEOs with options leads to riskier performance, according to new research. The evidences shows that options loaded CEOs are more prone to extreme performance, resulting in big gains but more usually, big losses."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
Corporate Vigilance
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

October 7, 2007 Edition

Welcome to the October 7, 2007 edition of Corporate Vigilance.

Mike Harmon presents The ABCs of Cash Flow Forecasting posted at Basic Accounting, saying, "Cash flow is often called the lifeblood of a business. There are ways to improve cash flow of any small business and remove some of the worries about bills not being paid or not having enough on hand to pay wages."

Sue Massey presents The Four Perspectives of Business - Keeping Your Eye On What?s Important posted at Business Management Life, saying, "The key element to measuring success is not focusing solely on the financial results of your company but also focusing on the human and cultural aspects of your company. These elements are the true indicators of a company’s future performance and ultimately affect those bottom-line financials."

Randy Nichols presents Fast Paced Success - Considering a Career in Business posted at Career Advice by Randy, saying, "Whether you have relatives who have entered the field ahead of you or you are simply looking for a field that will always provide you with challenges, careers in business are definitely one way to go!"

Matt Hanson presents Matt’s Creative Advertising Blog » Blog Archive » Benefits Of A More Personalized Catalog posted at Matt's Creative Advertising Blog, saying, "Catalogs are excellent marketing materials to complement other forms of promotional tools. Often, they are generally used to combine with a companys website, print brochures, and even flyers. When used this way, business owners often get more response from both marketing media."

Chris Tackett presents Cold Calling - Does It Work Anymore? posted at Direct Marketing News, saying, "Cold calling immediately puts you into a position of being needy. Cold calling gives your prospect the impression that you have nothing better to do, and that all you are doing, is trying to scrape up business. Here are just a few of the different ways you can generate leads or prospects."

Eric Hudin presents My Estate Planning Career Blog » Blog Archive » The Professional Corporation Trust - Preserving the Value of Your Practice posted at My Estate Planning Career Blog, saying, "The professional corporation trust is simply a revocable living trust with a specific purpose: to keep a licensed individual’s interest in a professional corporation out of probate in the event of the death of its owner."

Tom Stanley presents Franchising - Before You Buy posted at Tom's Franchise Information Blog, saying, "Before you make the decision to buy a franchise, it is important to look into the company’s background. By law all franchisors must provide prospective franchisees with a Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC), a document that contains significant information about the company. One of the most essential components of this disclosure report is any history of litigation and bankruptcy related to the company or its executives."

Jason Rakowski presents Critical Priorities for Extraordinary Service Quality posted at Learn Good Customer Service, saying, "What are the vital few ideas and actions that really made a difference with the customers and clients? There are thousands of tiny things that made a necessary and positive contribution, but here are five areas that are make or break."

Chris Russell presents Boldy Go Where No Has Before - Prepare to Do 20 Times More by Looking Five Years Ahead posted at Productivity Planner, saying, "The steps for creating a 2,000 percent solution (accomplishing 20 times more with the same time, effort, and resources) are listed here..."

Stacey Derbinshire presents Finding The Right Part Time Business Opportunity posted at Starting a Small Home Business, saying, "When looking at part time business opportunities, there are several factors you need to consider to help eliminate the ones that are wrong for you and zero in on the good ones."

Tupelo Kenyon presents Methods As Temporary Tools Instead of Lifetime Crutches posted at Tupelo Kenyon, saying, "We are obsessed with our methods. We become attached to our particular way of doing things. The trouble comes when we cling to an old method that we have outgrown. We feel bogged down and then stuck when our personal development potential is being limited by an outdated method. If your method feels more like a crutch than a tool, it’s time to take an objective look at it. Is the method in question bringing you peace and joy? Is it helping your personal growth, or is it just a familiar and comfortable habit of thought? (Enjoy soothing instrumental music as you read plus songs with lyrics related to each article – all free.)"

Leon Gettler presents Siemens smell continues posted at Sox First, saying, "Siemens is trying to move on from the bribery scandal by creating a new board position for legal and compliance issues. But investigations in Italy, Germany and the US are continuing and now there’s a probe into how much KPMG knew."

David Kam presents Distribute Your Commercials Online posted at

Joy presents Cornell University offers 19 online programs posted at Online College Blog, saying, "If you are looking for a way to increase your knowledge and improve your resume, you may want to consider Cornell University. Promising “Ivy League Excellence, Online Convenience,” Cornell University has the “most comprehensive, online professional and executive development curriculum offered by any top-20 university in the United States” (eCornell, 2007)."

Leon Gettler presents ISS supports News Corp reform posted at Sox First, saying, "Global proxy voting firm ISS has thrown its weight behind a shareholder proposal to overhaul Rupert Murdoch's News Corp's voting structure"

edithyeung presents Career Ideas You Must Think About You Worth More Than Your Job posted at Edith Yeung.Com: Dream. Think. Act..

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
Corporate Vigilance
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

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