Saturday, February 21, 2009

February 22,2009 Edition

Welcome to the February 22, 2009 edition of Corporate Vigilance presenting an array of opinions, instruction, and helpful information as it relates to business and personal finance.

Leaving The Folks presents Avoiding Resume Mistakes posted at Real World Advice, saying, "Given today's tough job market, it is important to not have any mistakes on your resume."

nickel presents Experian to Discontinue Consumer Credit Score Access posted at

Andy presents The Secret to Startup Success posted at Personal Hack, saying, "Starting a company can be a challenge. In fact most startup companies fail or go bankrupt within the first year or two. I’ve always been fascinated with startups."

Credit Card Addict presents Citibank Change in Cardholder Terms, Rate Increase, and Opt-Out Notice posted at CreditAddict.

Raily Arena presents Reverse Cellular Phone Lookups: Why Paid Versions Work Better posted at How to Find Phone Number.

Leaving The Folks presents Basics of car buying posted at Real World Advice, saying, "Going to take advantage of low interest rates and good deals to buy a car? Here are some tips."

Simon Stapleton presents 7 Essential Steps To START an IT Career in a Recession | posted at Career & Personal Development for CIOs, Technical Professionals and Self-Professed Geeks, saying, "I wouldn’t want you to start your career off on the wrong foot, especially now the market is so damn tough. Too many opportunities in starting a career in IT are lost because of a lack of understanding of the market and the belief that your first job must be the ‘right job’. If Mr X over there wants to wait for the ‘right job’ then let him - I’d take any job that pays and has prospects to accelerate upwards quickly!"

Silicon Valley Blogger presents No 2009 Economic Stimulus Check? How Obama’s Stimulus Plan Affects The Middle Class posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "Thank you!"

debergerac78 presents So, you really can't manage on half a million? posted at The Business Ethics Blog, saying, "Bank executives are complaining about the $500K cap on their salaries. Why not? Half a million is a pittance when you're corrupt and greedy."

Lance Cooper presents Obama?s Stimulus Plan Is A Complete Joke posted at Recession Thoughts, saying, "The presidnet's stimulus plan is nothing more than government waste, and government waste will not 'pump prime' the economy into recovery."

Eric Patton presents Create wealth now posted at Create Wealth Now, saying, "A guaranteed way for you to make money online!!! This is no scam, no scam at all. In fact I'm allergic to them and I get a funny twitch in my neck when I see one. And since I be on the net alot I be doing alot of twitching. But seriously I'm just an ordinary guy, easy to get along with and I like money very much, and I know that you do too."

Wally Bock presents Why good managers make bad decisions posted at Three Star Leadership Blog, saying, "Wally Bock says that Erin White interviewed Dartmouth professor Sydney Finkelstein in the Wall Street Journal about his research on decision making. He thought the questions were good and the answers lacked depth."

Kilroy_60 presents Training The Trainer posted at Fear And Loathing - The Gonzo Papers.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
Corporate Vigilance
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

February 8,2009 Edition

Welcome to the February 8, 2009 edition of Corporate Vigilance presenting an array of opinions, instruction, and helpful information as it relates to business and personal finance.

Raily Arena presents Selling Your House in Today?s Market posted at How to Sell Your Own Home.

Ralph Jean-Paul presents How To Make Important Decisions Quickly posted at Potential 2 Success, saying, "Quick decision making is critical in just about every aspect of life. Every decision you make produces a result. In every line of business, quick decision making is crucial for success."

Stephen Pierce presents Now THIS Is What You Call EASY MONEY? posted at DTAlpha TalkBack with Stephen Pierce, saying, "So, if you’re ready to make “mo’money, mo’money!” in 2009… listen to today’s 13min and 45sec
Make Mo’Money Monday TalkBack."

Martin Russell presents Tour de Lance Armstrong posted at Word of Mouth Marketing, saying, "Do you feel like everyone is passing you by? Perhaps it’s because you are like my town of Adelaide; trying to act bigger than you are and be all things to all people."

JobandCareer Advice presents Now What Makes A Great Manager? posted at The GreatManagement Blog, saying, "How to go from an avergae Manager to a GREAT one..."

Andy presents Why You Should Start Your Own Business posted at Personal Hack, saying, "I’m sure you’ve probably thought about it many times. Many assume that starting a business is tough, takes a lot of responsibility, many long nights and is hard work. Well they’re wrong."

Stephen Pierce presents Want To Know How To Play To Win? posted at DTAlpha TalkBack with Stephen Pierce, saying, "Some choose to not play at all… they sit on the sidelines of life and just watch it go by. Some choose to play to not lose… always playing defense, protecting what is instead of creating what could be. And then there are those who choose to PLAY TO WIN… the unreasonable person who doesn’t go after what they think they can get, but goes after exactly what they want."

Andy presents Video - Use Blog Carnival & get FREE Targeted Traffic posted at Personal Hack, saying, "In this video I show you how to use blog carnival and get tons of free targeted traffic along with higher search engine rankings."

Debt Wizard presents Long Term Risk Versus Short Term Risk posted at Money Help, saying, "A key point in understanding risk in the stock market is time frame"

SJ presents The Truth About Petrol Prices posted at Save Money On Gas, saying, "Everywhere you look, people are complaining about high petrol prices. And they have good reason too - the high fuel prices seem to have become a worldwide phenomenon."

Junior presents Thoughts About An Upcoming Big Three Bailout posted at Car Commentary, saying, "The three-headed monster that is the major three US automakers will undoubtadly come back in the next few months asking Congress for more money."

debergerac78 presents WHAT is the matter with Wall Street????? posted at The Business Ethics Blog, saying, "Giving away $18B worth of bonuses in the middle of a recession? They're asking for it."

Joe Manausa presents Tallahassee Foreclosure Report | Tallahassee Real Estate Blog posted at Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, "There is plenty of news in the national media about foreclosures. From everything that I have read, I suspect for every 100 foreclosures that have and will hit the real estate market during our current housing crisis, we have only seen 2 or 3. The bulk of the foreclosures have yet to hit the market."

Patrick Meninga presents How to Make Passive Income posted at Passive Income, saying, "Specific examples of ways that you can make passive income. How to set up some passive income streams so that you have additional income each month. How to grow your passive income streams so that they eventually replace your day job income."

Andy presents Risky Advertising? posted at Personal Hack, saying, "Watching the super bowl right now, mostly for the commercials ;) What’s your favorite one? I gotta admit the beer commercials and other risky or contravertial ones always entertain me the most, however I realize that some might find them offensive, but what can I say I’m a sucker for controversy."

Andy presents Business Ideas Are Worthless posted at Personal Hack, saying, "Often when starting a business one is very concerned with his/her great new business ideas, sometimes even tries to keep it a secret and not share it so it’s not stolen. I used to think the exact same way but then one day I realized that business ideas are worthless. Here is why…"

Raily Arena presents Making Money Online Scams You Should Avoid posted at Make Money Easy Online.

GeekMBA360 presents The rapid deteriorations of Intel business — what does it mean to high tech companies and your job security posted at GeekMBA360, saying, "This is the first time I submitted to your blog carnival. If the article is inappropriate, please let me know.

Martin Russell presents What is Tipster Marketing? posted at Word of Mouth Marketing, saying, "When the cab driver taking you to your hotel starts chatting, and you end up getting a recommendation for a great place to eat… that’s tipster marketing."

Raymond presents Second Stimulus Check For Obama 2009 Economic Stimulus Package? posted at Money Blue Book.

SJ presents Saving Petrol - Easy And Effective Tips That Work posted at Save Money On Gas, saying, "Thinking about how you can start saving petrol? So is the rest of the world - the truth is that the rising gas prices have hit everyone on a global scale."

Andy presents Are You a Broke Genius? posted at Personal Hack, saying, "A broke genius is simply someone who has great ideas all the time yet is always broke. The most common way one becomes a broke genious is by not implementing the ideas they have. Simply being lazy, thinking it will be too much work, or doubting one’s self will leave them a broke genius."

JobandCareer Advice presents Understanding Resume Styles posted at Job and Career Advice, saying, "Many recruiters agree that this approach can actually leave your resume lacking in both style and content..."

Raily Arena presents Sell Your Own Home: Can Be Very Difficult in Today?s Terrible Economy posted at How to Sell Your Own Home.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
Corporate Vigilance
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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